If you know where to look for it, there is always something exciting to do in the music sphere. There are concerts, club nights, listening sessions, screenings of concert films and music documentaries, jam sessions and more. Even though all these events are great and I wouldn't want to live without them, it still felt like something was missing: A playground for live electronic music.

Noise Gallery was born from the idea to create a space where live sets are the main spectacle of the evening. As both an opportunity for audio creators to showcase their latest work and experiment with unconventional performance methods, as a chance for the audience to get familiar with live sets. At the first edition, there will be 3 performances. All three of them are live sets, each with a completely different vibe.
What is a live set?
A lot of people confuse DJ sets with Live sets, even though they're completely different ways of presenting music. The easiest way to describe the difference is that in a deejay set, a DJ plays pre-recorded audio material. Either from vinyl or digital files. In a liveset, the artist has the freedom to create new audio material on the spot. This can be done by using synthesizers, drumcomputers and a step sequencer for example. But there are many ways to perform a live set, ranging from bringing an entire modular synthesizer, wall to just using a sampler or a laptop. Today it's also possible to use DJ techniques in a liveset and vice versa. A liveset and a DJ set can sound similar in some ways, but performing a liveset has more similarities to doing a live concert.

The opening performance of the first edition of Noise Gallery will be the Irish jazz musician Micheal Murray, who performs under the name MIMU for his solo project. He will perform an introspective live set, combining electronica and saxophone. The set will be full of unreleased material, and some of it might just make it onto his debut record later this year.

The second performance will be by Joshua Lutz, known to many from his efforts in projects and bands like RADIOHOP or YAMUNA. Joshua also has a long history of releasing his solo projects under the name Halfpastseven. Besides being a producer, keyboard master, Joshua is one of the organisers of Noise Gallery. During this event, he will present his latest release, Music To Walk Home To, a multigenre project filled with nostalgia and euphoria, designed to be the soundtrack for a moment in time. He'll dive and explore the sonics of the album using resampling and live looping. Music To Walk Home To just came out, is available digitally and a small batch of vinyl copies have been pressed. The vinyl will be available for purchase during the event.

To end on a high note, MARIVS will be the final act of the night wirh his debut live set. He has been working on a lot of new material for this set, as well as cleaning up some older beats. As a cherry on top, we will get a first listen on his new single CHANGE that will release next week. Expect a lot of high energy beats, mindbending glitches, surprising edits and more during MARIVS' first live set!

We hope to see you during the first edition of Noise Gallery at Doka this Thursday, to celebrate live electronic music. With the three artists selected the aim is to have a broad spectrum of sound and show the scale of what a live set can be, and invite you to close the distance between yourself and the artist. See for yourself what buttons are being pressed, and check the playlist below to get an impression of the sound of Noise Gallery!
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