A special guest-mix series where DJs are invited to create a soundtrack for tomorrow's days. Next up: Rotterdam-based Glenn Hill.

Every Mixed Feelings podcast is accompanied by a few questions that provide a little insight into the DJ and the mix they've prepared for us and for you.
Which feelings do we find bottled in this mix?
That’s tough to answer because it’s all over the place hahaha. I like music that conveys a range of different emotions, and all of my favorite DJs are the ones who can go through all sorts of moods and feelings while connecting all the dots, which is something I like to do myself.
What message does the music you play convey?
It’s more of a feeling than an actual message, but I love the feeling of dancing on a good night out where the music really hits your soul and everyone and everything just feels like one. It sounds pretty cheesy but that’s the feeling I’m chasing all the time when I play. Personally, I like some layers and depth to the music, and what does the job for me are almost always songs about love or spiritual stuff, most of the time those are the songs that convey the feeling I’d like to share. But the more I play the more I realize that sometimes people just want to dance and don’t really care about who or what is playing or what the songs are about, and that’s fine too.
How is the mix reflecting your current music taste?
Well, there’s a lot of stuff in there that I like, some new and old favorites, but if I had to record a mix that captures all of my tastes I’d probably never be done. I like almost every kind of music. I do have a preference for stuff that is soulful, jazzy, and uplifting, but I also like music that is very rough, raunchy, or just straight-up weird. And sometimes I like to throw odd curveballs into my sets that could either confuse people or make them dance. Taking those risks is very fun for me. But in general, I have an ‘anything goes’ attitude towards what I play, I don’t like to limit myself. If I like it, I’ll play it.
Who should release a new album/EP already?
MIKE. I’m always waiting for new MIKE. Oh, and also waiting for the day Josh Milan’s entire solo catalog will be pressed on wax. If that will ever happen…
What's magical about music?
That feeling you get when you listen to something that is so on point and so in tune with your own being at that moment that everything else kind of disappears.
What is your main source for finding new music?
Discogs, record stores, streaming services, online radio, friends, and other people's mixes.
If the mix would be a soundtrack, what (kind of) movie/video/audio-visual content would support it best?
Boring answer, but none actually. For me music works best with no visual distraction, then your imagination will take you places ;)
Yolanda Adams – Come And Go With Me
Mary J. Blige – Love Is All We Need
Celi Bee – For The Love Of My Man
Marvin Gaye – Soon I’ll Be Loving You Again
Tall Black Guy – JB Suite I
KRS-One – Step Into A World (Rapture’s Delight)
J Dilla – Glamour Sho75 (09)
Madlib – Serving
Daedelus – The Beat Laid Bare
Guem – Riacho
Pat Metheny Group – Straight On Red (Live)
Wayne Henderson – Ladybug
Manfredo Fest – Jungle Kitten
Joyce – Aldeia De Ogum
Novos Baianos – Alibabá Alibabou
DJ Shadow – Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain
Osmosis – Set You Free
Kyle Hall – Finnapop
Inxxxwel – Make Me (played at 45 rpm)
DJ Rashad – Rollin’
TNGHT – Goooo
Lone – As A Child (ft. Machinedrum)
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